Monday, May 9, 2016

Yearbook Oops

Los Osos Highschool in California made a HUGE oops earlier this month in regards to their yearbooks. An article from USA Today explains that there was a "typo" in one of the students names..

wait for it..

Bayan Zehlif, a Muslim teenager who attends Los Osos posted a photo on Facebook which was very upsetting to see. 

Apparently, the people in charge of the yearbook misspelled Bayan's name as "Isis Phillips".

In the article it says that the High School district superintendent says that Bayan was misidentified with a former student named Isis. This was a huge mistake on the school's part and there is no possible way that a person can confuse "Bayan Zehif" with "Isis Phillips". This is extremely sad and angering. They said that they asked all of the students to return the yearbooks, but they will never be able to undo that mistake.

I feel sad that stereotypes are so prominent in our world that people assume things such as a Muslim teens name being Isis. We build all of these stereotypes in our life, and then people end up getting hurt by them. I can only imagine how embarrassed she must have felt knowing that this was misprinted and given to all of her classmates. People need to pay more attention and stop allowing stereotypes to determine their judgements.

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