Wednesday, April 13, 2016

99 Problems but the Internet Ain't One

The big question that is posed in today's society is... "is the internet making us dumb?". Well, I think it is fair to say that that may not be the case.

The internet has brought us many awesome tools to broaden our educations and learn about things that we would have had a harder time learning about before the age of the internet. The ability to have information instantaneously is a powerful thing when becoming more educated about the world. 

According to an article by Nicholas Carr, the internet can have some bad effects on us as well. I do believe that because of the fast paced aura of the internet that we as learners are losing our ability to focus on long, complex texts. I do NOT believe that this is what is making us "dumb". I think that we as a society are becoming "dumb" because of our lack of motivation to change the way we are becoming. I don't think it is right to blame our societal problems on the internet, after all we as a society are the ones that make up the internet. 

I think the question to ask here is not "is the internet making us dumb?" but maybe, "are we making the internet dumb?".

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